Frisco Boogie - One Question

Veteran beatmaker and MC Frisco Boogie just released his first single on Hidden Hobby RecordsOne Question. The track possess the question – when you finally leave this world, if you had a chance to either, reach the next level, start all over again or sit back and spectate and see what people really thought about you. Which one would you choose?

This is the first single from his upcoming album entitled Lost In The Loophole out later this year.

Frisco Boogie

Hidden Hobby Records


One question, just a simple question. Would you push the first button second or third X3

Verse 1
Close your eyes for a second and image you died, take a look up in the sky and see 3 buttons shining bright they read next level, restart or sit back and spectate, how you gonna spend your fate? Think about your last day? your final memories, multiply um or erase um, but don’t deny them or be fazed by them just play them. Press the third button first switch it up from the start ,get a birds eye view of the few who once held your heart. Precious and protected never neglected nothing but pure admiration and calm for the hectic. Now your just like the angle detective, flap and fly higher, a heavenly perspective far from the mire. High wire walking without the need for a net, never again will you be afraid to fall so there’s no sign of regrets. Sit back and watch the world go by and listen to what they say about you is it truth or lies?

Verse 2
It’s like 2 double duchesses,4 to score or more, jump in when you catch the metaphor,
glorious wooden carved doors, entwined with marble floors, me a moor, French kisses for the encore, lace ripped and laden on the floor. A poor man’s heaven laid bare, but it’s the soul under the underwear that creates the rich fanfare. Somebody bring that fan here so I can just cool down on all this imagery. precision limits me so I best digress simply. I’m tryna paint a picture in your mind of lavish luxury or is it selfish gluten, fuckery in the steeples, a chance to live again your picking money over people. Push the button one more time, try and rewind, find the perfect picture in your own mind, design your own utopia what does it consist of. Is more money sex and drugs or the family round at Christmas. And think if it disappeared would you miss it?

Verse 3
Before you push the button for the next level you’ll have to question have you learnt your lessons in life. Have you played the devil or the son of Christ? Saint or sinner? underdog or winner? smile creator or sarcastic grinner? The next level requires a higher understanding of self and most of this can’t be found on no shelf. Books can only touch the surface no sentence for life. Experience mixed with purpose equals the higher price.

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